More About Andréa Fekete
Fekete is a coal miner's daughter, granddaughter to Mexican and Hungarian immigrant coal miners, a native of the southern West Virginia coalfields who now resides in a northeastern city that wants to be NYC real, real bad. She is author of the novel of the WV coal mine wars, Waters Run Wild (Sweetgum Press, 2010) with an updated reissue from her own hybrid press, Guest Room Press, in October 2018. Her fiction and poetry often appear in journals such as Chiron Review, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Kentucky Review, Montucky Review, Adirondack Review, ABZ, and in many anthologies such as Eyes Glowing at the Edge of the Woods: Fiction and Poetry from West Virginia. (WVU Press) An excerpt from her unpublished novel about her hometown of Buffalo Creek, WV, Native Trees, was a finalist in 2019 fiction of the year contest in Still: The Journal. She was awarded a grant from the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation for a writing fellowship to the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in 2016. She earned her MA from Marshall University and MFA in Creative Writing from WV Wesleyan. She edited Feminine Rising: Voices of Power & Invisibility (April 2019) which won the Silver for Foreword Book of the Year in women’s studies. Foreword by Amy Hudock, PhD. You can find her work all over the internet. You can order her books with many online retailers. Ask for them at any brick-and-mortar bookstore or library.